On Fri, 27 Jan 2012, Viesturs L?cis wrote:

> Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:45:30 +0200
> From: "[UTF-8] Viesturs L?cis" <viesturs.la...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: [Emc-users] Servo tuning - wtf?
> Hello, folks!
> I would appreciate some advice on servo tuning.
> I have Keling Nema23 BLDC servo motors attached to Mesa 7i39.
> And also zero experience with this :)
> The way I am doing the tuning is:
> 1) start Emc, hit F1 and F2;
> 2) open Machine -> Calibration;
> 3) change P value, for example, from 1 to 3, press "Test" and then try
> jogging the joint;
> 4) my target max velocity is 10m/min, which would require 4000 rpm on
> motor, so I start jogging at 1100 mm/min - seems fine, increase speed
> to ~3000 mm/min and motor starts oscillating;
> When motor starts oscillating, I hit F2 to disable any movement and motor 
> stops;
> So here I would like to change some PID values and then try again.
> The problem I have encountered is:
> Motor starts oscillating again as soon as I hit F2 regardless of what
> are the PID settings. If I restart Emc and start over, it is fine with
> the same PID settings until the moment it gets a chance to start
> oscillating again - then I cannot stop it from doing that. Setting PID
> values back to default also does not help - it will oscillate anyway.
> Why on earth would it oscillate as soon as motion is enabled? Is there
> a way to aviod it?
> Default PID values are:
> DEADBAND =              0.000
> P =                     1
> I =                     0
> D =                     0
> FF0 =                   1
> FF1 =                   1
> FF2 =                 0
> BIAS =                  0

Start with no FF0 and FF1

> I have been playing only with P parameter so far, following this guideline:
> 1) increase P up to the moment, when motor becomes unstable;
> 2) add I to make it stable;
> 3) add D to make the loop stiffer;

This is wrong, you add D to  make it more stable not I

I is added in small does only when all other tuning is close to remove the 
last bit of static error and slew errors

> In my previous attempts I had:
> DEADBAND =              0.0005
> P = 90
> I = 40
> D = 1,65
> FF0 = 0
> FF1 = 1,5
> FF2 = 0
> BIAS = 0,0005
>> From previous discussions I recall that FF1 should be very close to 1,
> like 1,001 or something like that. Since I have it larger, I decided
> to start over, because the motor still was oscillating at 2700 mm/min.
> Viesturs
> P.S. How hard would it be to create some kind of auto-tuning routine?

FF1 will only be close to 1 with the PID/PWM scale set correctly for the 

BTW what is you sample period? depending on motor poles and RPM required you 
may need to decrease the sample period from the default 1 ma to maybe 250 uSec 
(4 KHz)

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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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