> 100K / 60 * 2(poles) = electrical rpms.  You'll need to run the pwm
> well over 100Khz to do this. The lowly dspic33f mc motor series will
> struggle to do this, let alone any additional processing.

My thought was to not run PWM but only direct switching at a base frequency
of a few kHz and without any sensing of rotor angle.
The rotor will run well once it is locked in to the rotating field from the
stator. Crude, but it works. 

> What is the reference to ancient times?

The BLDC core design is perceived as a very late principle but the basic
design with a constantly magnetized rotor and a three phase excited stator
is very old. Of course hall sensors and MOSFET H-bridges came in a little
later than 1910.

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