Thanks all for the input.  I don't think I'm presenting the problem quite
right, so I'll try to provide more detail, but for those not interested in
that the specific technical problem I am hoping to solve is that I have
configured a software encoder that does not seem to handle frequencies
above about 500Hz.  I think it should be able to handle much higher, based
on my base period and the rest of the system.

The relevant configuration is like so:

the ini file:
EMCMOT = motmod
COMM_WAIT = 0.010
SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000

HALUI = halui
HALFILE = 3300_mill.hal
HALFILE = custom.hal
POSTGUI_HALFILE = custom_postgui.hal
SHUTDOWN = shutdown.hal ...
main hal file:
loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=10000
servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES

the custom.hal file:

source analog-in.hal

the analog-in.hal file:

# is the freqeuncy in
# load the component
loadrt encoder num_chan=1
setp encoder.0.counter-mode true
net analog-A encoder.0.phase-A <=
# set the velocity of the encoder for a proper scale
setp encoder.0.position-scale 1.0
# set the volicity out to feed the analog input
net analog-1 <= encoder.0.velocity
# add the component to the thread
addf encoder.update-counters base-thread
addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread

The full config under revision control at:

I am using a Mesa isolated I/O card, and previously had thought the delay
was 7uS, but that was for output.  For input the delay can be as high as
25uS, but I think I should still easily be able to read 5kHz (200uS period)
with that delay.

It acts like it is sampling the encoder at the servo-thread frequency,
despite the update-counters function being bound to the base-thread.  When
I view the configuration from axis, the base-thread does show the
function bound to it.

Sorry for all of the technical details, but I feel I am missing something
simple here and so wanted to provide the info I had.



More technical details follow for those interested:

The mill itself is a conversion of an generic 3-axis servo Bridgeport-class
knee mill from Anilam 3300 controls to LinuxCNC.  We’ve also added a
stepper-based 4th rotary axis.  We’re using a Mesa 5i23 PCI card with a
7i23TA quad analog servo interface daughter card on the first 50 pin
connector for interfacing with the servos and a 7i37TA isolated anything
I/O adapter on the third 50 pin connector for integrating estop, limits,
servo enable, etc.  The second 50-pin connector is not optically isolated
and is used to drive the stepper axis amp for the A axis.  So the for the
Mesa firmware I’ve configured 4 encoders and 4 pwms (three of each used)
and 4 stepgens (one used).  These are assigned to the first and second
connectors respectively.****

** **

More details here:****

** ******

** **

and here:****

** ******

** **

In general both LinuxCNC and the Mesa hardware have worked absolutely great
and the mill is completely functional as-is.****

** **

This is a machine for a hackerspace (, and we now have a
member interested in doing some plunge EDM.  He’s working on the hardware
high-voltage DC/fluid side of things and I’m working on the motion control
portion, which basically boils down to reading an analog value and
determining based on that whether to retreat, stay put or plunge further.
I wrote a simple gcode loop that handles that logic, but need to create an
interface between the EDM hardware and LinuxCNC that provides the gcode
loop enough information to make a movement decision.****

** **

There are lots of ways of doing that, but my initial thought was to take a
relatively low-cost approach and use an Arduino for analog sensing and have
that create a frequency pulse.  Doing so is fairly trivial on the Arduino.**

** **

Given that this is EDM, voltage isolation is paramount.  As a result, my
hope was to use my isolated I/O daughter card on the third connector, which
has ample I/O available as a software-based encoder input and use the
velocity from that as the analog value in LinuxCNC.  This works for low
frequency input, but falls apart much more quickly than I expected at
higher frequencies (about 500Hz).  I’ll send my configuration later tonight
when I have access to it in case I am making a silly mistake there.****

** **

It seems like my options are basically:****

** **

**1)      **Have the arduino generate a frequency and work out the issues
with the software encoder counting.  This is my preferred approach, as it
will let me add more analog inputs when we eventually want to use this mill
for other things like playing with 3d printing with multiple heated head
temperatures and a heated bed temperature to measure and who knows what

**2)      **Have the arduino generate binary output and use a weighted sum
component to get the analog value.  This will eat up I/O quickly, but is
probably workable as a short term solution.****

**3)      **Have the arduino generate a frequency and use a custom Mesa
firmware and have it count encoder pulses on-card using the third connector
with the isolated I/O daughter card.  This is probably technically
feasible, but as this machine is collectively maintained by a diverse group
of hackers, I want to try and stay on the beaten path as much as possible.**

** **

I’d really like to get the software encoder approach working, and feel like
I must be missing something simple for it to not be able to handle anything
above about 500Hz.****

** **

Hope that helps clarify the situation,****

** **


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Kirk Wallace

> On Thu, 2012-03-15 at 10:56 -0500, Scott Hasse wrote:
> > I'd prefer not to use the mesa encoder primarily because I want to use
> > the optical isolation I already have on the 7i37.  Additionally with
> > the firmware setup I have (4 pwm, 4 encoders, 4 stepgens) and the 3rd
> > 50 pin cable for io like estop and limit I only have one Mesa-based
> > encoder available with no optical isolation.  Ideally I'd like to run
> > multiple analog inputs.
> >
> > Although if I go the weighted sum route I'd be limited by my io as
> > well.
> >
> > It seem I must be doing something wrong with the software encoder
> > though, as i think it should easily be keeping up with the frequencies
> > I'm sending,
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Scott
> Opto-isolators might be considered slow. From my experience, they might
> be good to tens of kilohertz to maybe a hundred kilohertz with the the
> fast ones setup properly. Data signals generally don't need to be nearly
> as fast, so I would tend to isolate the data instead of the analog
> signals.
> I wonder... these should be pretty fast:
> --
> Kirk Wallace
> California, USA
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