On Sun, 8 Apr 2012, Jeshua Lacock wrote:

> Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 15:14:15 -0600
> From: Jeshua Lacock <jes...@3dtopo.com>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mesa counter card?

>Can anyone tell me how I would wire up the encoders? Are they connected 
>through the parallel cable, or some other way?
>If anyone from Mesa is listening, can you provide a crude diagram? I am a 
>visual learner, so that would be most appreciated.

TTl (single ended) Encoders can be connected to the bare FPGA pins.  Normally 
encoders have 3 pins each: A,B and I (or Z) so if for example a 5I25 FPGA 
configuration had encoder 0 connected to parallel port pins 1,2, and 3 you 
might wire encoder0-A to parallel port pin 1, encoder0-B to parallel port pin
2 and encoder0-Z to parallel port pin 3. (if you dont have or need the index/Z 
pin it can be dropped)

There is a risk with direct connection of these signals that the FPGA card 
could be damaged if either ESD or excessive voltages were applied accidentally 
to the I/O pins (This also applies to standard parallel ports). The 5I25 is 
safe for inputs from -.6V to +7V. If a voltage beyond this range is applied to 
the FPGA pins, the 5I25 will likely be damaged. For this reason we supply 
breakout boards that are more rugged. Also for high speed and noise immunity, 
differential encoder signals are preferred to single ended signals. These 
differential signals are also supported by our breakout cards.

All that said, for simple step/dir + TTl encoder use, you can get away without 
any breakout card. For example the G540 configuration is pinned out to connect 
directly to a G540 multi axis step drive. This in no way means it would only 
work with a G540, just that its pinout matches the G540 so no special 
cable/adapters are needed to connect the 5I25s DB25 connector to the G540s 
DB25 connector. If you wanted to use the step/dir outputs of a G540 
configuration on individual step drives you would just need to check the 
G540 FPGA pinout and wire the "parallel port pins" accordingly. That is, there 
is nothing G540 specific about the configuration except its pinout.

If you have an existing parallel port pinout with encoders and step/dir, this 
can easliy be duplicated in a custom 5I25 configuration. This probably sounds 
more exotic than it really is, as only a single pinout definition file needs 
to change to generate a new configuration, basically a 5 minute cut/paste edit 
job and a re-compile.


>Jeshua Lacock
>3DTOPO Incorporated
>Phone: 208.462.4171

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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