On 4/21/2012 11:42 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> Hi all;
> I was able to find a schematic for one of the earlier controllers used in
> these machines, for one that had the external interfacing stuff on a
> daughterboard and I suspect it might be usable as a trouble shooting guide
> if it was printable.  But that link isn't printable, for some reason pages
> 2 and up are blank in the print preview.


I surmise you might be looking at the dcmotorcontroller.net site, which 
I just found via Google. When I choose schematic and try to print the 
page I get only the first bit. However, the schematics consist of a 
bunch of gif files which you can select and print individually by the 
simple expediency of right-clicking each image, opening it in a new tab, 
and printing.

> The controller in my lathe is probably the next generation, no
> daughterboard because the mini-dip chips that were on the daughterboard
> were shrunk down to tsop stuff, allowing the whole thing to be fitted to
> only 1 pcb assembly.  Also, no power transformer, instead a bunch of 5 watt
> metal film R's occupy that location on my board.
> I have also found a hookup schematic that incorporates an extra cnc/manual
> switch and reversing relay that my current interface board should work
> with, so what I need now is a working schematic.  Does any one have such a
> beast?

The hookup schematics on the littlemachineshop.com site?
> Cheers, Gene

So far, I haven't had the need to open the controller case of my 
(manual) late-model Micro-Mark lathe. I'll be happy to hear what you learn.


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