On 10/26/2012 12:36 PM, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> At my day job, we do a*LOT*  of processing with the GPU, and it isn't
> really applicable to the LinuxCNC work-load.  There aren't nearly
> enough parallel calculations required, and latency is a significant
> issue.  The GPU excels when you need massively parallel calculations
> and can wait a bit for the results.  Our use for the GPU is mixing and
> manipulating HD video images in real time, and we are operating on
> (very) large data sets in apx. 15 mS 'chunks', which would make for
> pretty lousy servo loop timing.
Like I said, it's a matter of timing. I don't care if the GPU is 
underloaded but freely admit I didn't know how bad the timing issue is.

By the way, I haven't gotten around to congratulating you on getting 
your MendelMax into operation. Good work! I'm still putzing with the 
extruder on my Mendel.


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