Hmmm - 

On 2012-10-26, at 12:44 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
> On 10/26/2012 12:19 PM, dave wrote:
>> On Fri, 2012-10-26 at 11:36 -0400, Kent A. Reed wrote:
>> Most of the present day GPU's wouldn't even strain handling motion the
>> problem is simply that processors (GPU) are a moving target and
>> reinventing the wheel with each new generation of GPU would be a pain to
>> the most dedicated programmer.
> Agreed, this makes the problem hard, but not unsolvable, 

OpenCL on Linux is ok. At least it was last time I tried it. I started a blog 
on some stuff I did OpenCL wise:

(It was set up not as a technical treatise, but for students) (oh, and I ran 
the code on OSX for the blog, but the code does/did run on Linux)

Unfortunately, about the time of the last entry, I had to move to development 
off of the iPhone and to Android, which does not support OpenCL. So, I have not 
done much with the blog in a year.

The GPU is massively parallel, but takes time to send/retrieve data. If you 
have a massively parallel task, then things are possibly ok. 



John Alexander Stewart

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