Hi all;

Received my 2x Mesa 5I25 plus 1 7i76 (the stepper interface)

One of the 5I25s is going into a sw-stepper to Gecko G540 based box, on a mill 
with rotary table, touch probe and mpg.

Other than starting from scratch with pncconf, is there an easy way to convert 
the ini files by hand to the 5I25? I do have this mill set up the way I want it 
to be.

The ini files are hand-modified.

In case you are wondering: Why go 5I25 for this mill? 

a) computers for mill and future cnc lathe are then identical, hw/sw wise;

b) work through the 5I25 so that I know how it works under the hood before 
tackling the CNC lathe.

I do have pncconf up and mainly running (thanks Chris Morley) but wonder if it 
might just be really easy to do the conversion by hand.

Thanks for any advice you can give this newbie;

John A. Stewart.

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