On 11/17/2013 10:16 PM, Tony Zampini wrote:
> I understand your concern about portability, and I think the changes
> you are contemplating for the "-i" switch will allow me to eliminate
> the literal G20 statement.

Yes, having -i to work consistently was the idea. A commit/push in git
has been made to support that.

> So is it your recommendation that we *always* use units after all
> numeric values, even if we only plan to use, say, inches throughout a
> program?

If you want your program to be portable, then yes, you should always use
units when you are specifying a distance. The intricacies are of course
a bit more nuanced and require due consideration.

Nobody is forcing you to abide by any standards. However, you have to
consider that you can get into trouble if you do not "organize" your own
work. The arguments are basically the same for any type of software

As an example, you wrote that lovely subroutine and want to reuse it in
a different setting, but you allowed ambiguous distances to be defined
and after a year you can't remember why/what you wrote (common example
of any code-writing experience).

If you decide to pass your lovely function to someone else, who does not
use your unit-system, does your function still work the same or will it
plow the walls of the mill?

The example may look far fetched, but once written code has a tendency
of surviving longer than you imagine. Especially temporary hacks are the
most permanent and cause the biggest headaches.

Once you get accustomed to writing programs, routines and functions with
gcmc, you want to reuse more and more in library settings. A good
library does its best to do what you tell it and is generally not
dependent on circumstantial configuration.

Greetings Bertho

(disclaimers are disclaimed)

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