On 11/18/2013 03:00 AM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
> Ahhh - from another perspective. I am a mechanical engineer. I have a
> degree. I specialised in gas engineering, I worked for several years in
> a factory that made gas valves. We embraced CNC and I was there from the
> inception in the 80's.  I know virtually nothing about C, but I do know
> a lot about commercial CAD/CAM. I would never hand write anything but
> the simplest code, or use gcmc, much easier for me to draw a 3D part,
> import, produce code and run.

That is a refreshing perspective.

I can understand your view, but the commercial CAD/CAM packages are out
of reach for the hobbyist. There are many open and free CAD/CAM
alternatives nowadays, however, the concepts in drawing a piece is a
different paradigm and not suited for everyone.

I too use 3D drawing for some pieces when they become too complex, but
that is usual for 3D printing. My milling skills are lacking and I do
not have access to the "expensive" tools ;-)

Still, even the "simplest" code is easier to write with gcmc than
hand-code gcode. But no need to be apologetic, everybody should use the
tools he/she thinks are easiest or best suited.

Greetings Bertho

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