Sorry I changed from the 65ipm to 100 before I sent it
I usually run that operation at 65 to get the surface finish
I may need more spindle speed with the new tp :)


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:20 PM, TERRY Christophersen

> I had a copy on an old stick.
> T4  dia is .05 in the tool table
> This is the 45deg tool to break the edge but
> still roughly the same code as the end mill code.
> You will have to change the feedrate to really test
> the speed as this feedrate works fine with old tp(at least on my VMC it
> does.
> I use v 2.5.0
> %
> T4 M6
> G0 G90 G54 X-2.2343 Y2.1193 S6000 M3
> G43 H4 Z.25 M8
> Z.1
> G1 Z-.045 F100.
> G41 D4 X-2.1989 Y2.084
> G3 X-2.1636 Y2.0694 I.0353 J.0353
> X-2.1282 Y2.084 J.0499
> G1 X-2.0686 Y2.1436
> G2 X-2.0509 Y2.1509 I.0177 J-.0177
> G1 X-2.0505
> G2 X-1.2341 Y1.8359 I-.024 J-1.2776
> G3 X-1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1003 J.1278
> X-.9713 Y1.9637 J.1625
> X-.9729 Y1.9867 I-.1625
> G2 X-.9969 Y2.2332 I1.2538 J.2465
> X-.8375 Y2.8512 I1.2778
> X-.8221 Y2.8633 I.0219 J-.0121
> G1 X-.7197 Y2.8907
> G2 X-.7132 Y2.8916 I.0065 J-.0242
> X-.7003 Y2.888 J-.0251
> X-.1508 Y2.2069 I-.6596 J-1.0945
> G3 X0. Y2.105 I.1508 J.0606
> X.1508 Y2.2069 J.1625
> G2 X.7003 Y2.888 I1.2091 J-.4134
> X.7132 Y2.8916 I.0129 J-.0215
> X.7197 Y2.8907 J-.0251
> G1 X.8221 Y2.8633
> G2 X.8375 Y2.8512 I-.0065 J-.0242
> X.9969 Y2.2332 I-1.1184 J-.618
> X.9729 Y1.9867 I-1.2778
> G3 X.9713 Y1.9637 I.1609 J-.023
> X1.1338 Y1.8012 I.1625
> X1.2341 Y1.8359 J.1625
> G2 X2.0505 Y2.1509 I.8404 J-.9626
> G1 X2.0509
> G2 X2.0686 Y2.1436 J-.025
> G1 X2.1436 Y2.0686
> G2 X2.1509 Y2.0509 I-.0177 J-.0177
> G1 Y2.0505
> G2 X1.8359 Y1.2341 I-1.2776 J.024
> G3 X1.8012 Y1.1338 I.1278 J-.1003
> X1.9637 Y.9713 I.1625
> X1.9867 Y.9729 J.1625
> G2 X2.2332 Y.9969 I.2465 J-1.2538
> X2.8512 Y.8375 J-1.2778
> X2.8633 Y.8221 I-.0121 J-.0219
> G1 X2.8907 Y.7197
> G2 X2.8916 Y.7132 I-.0242 J-.0065
> X2.888 Y.7003 I-.0251
> X2.2069 Y.1508 I-1.0945 J.6596
> G3 X2.105 Y0. I.0606 J-.1508
> X2.2069 Y-.1508 I.1625
> G2 X2.888 Y-.7003 I-.4134 J-1.2091
> X2.8916 Y-.7132 I-.0215 J-.0129
> X2.8907 Y-.7197 I-.0251
> G1 X2.8633 Y-.8221
> G2 X2.8512 Y-.8375 I-.0242 J.0065
> X2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.618 J1.1184
> X1.9867 Y-.9729 J1.2778
> G3 X1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.023 J-.1609
> X1.8012 Y-1.1338 J-.1625
> X1.8359 Y-1.2341 I.1625
> G2 X2.1509 Y-2.0505 I-.9626 J-.8404
> G1 Y-2.0509
> G2 X2.1436 Y-2.0686 I-.025
> G1 X2.0686 Y-2.1436
> G2 X2.0509 Y-2.1509 I-.0177 J.0177
> G1 X2.0505
> G2 X1.2341 Y-1.8359 I.024 J1.2776
> G3 X1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1003 J-.1278
> X.9713 Y-1.9637 J-.1625
> X.9729 Y-1.9867 I.1625
> G2 X.9969 Y-2.2332 I-1.2538 J-.2465
> X.8375 Y-2.8512 I-1.2778
> X.8221 Y-2.8633 I-.0219 J.0121
> G1 X.7197 Y-2.8907
> G2 X.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0065 J.0242
> X.7003 Y-2.888 J.0251
> X.1508 Y-2.2069 I.6596 J1.0945
> G3 X0. Y-2.105 I-.1508 J-.0606
> X-.1508 Y-2.2069 J-.1625
> G2 X-.7003 Y-2.888 I-1.2091 J.4134
> X-.7132 Y-2.8916 I-.0129 J.0215
> X-.7197 Y-2.8907 J.0251
> G1 X-.8221 Y-2.8633
> G2 X-.8375 Y-2.8512 I.0065 J.0242
> X-.9969 Y-2.2332 I1.1184 J.618
> X-.9729 Y-1.9867 I1.2778
> G3 X-.9713 Y-1.9637 I-.1609 J.023
> X-1.1338 Y-1.8012 I-.1625
> X-1.2341 Y-1.8359 J-.1625
> G2 X-2.0505 Y-2.1509 I-.8404 J.9626
> G1 X-2.0509
> G2 X-2.0686 Y-2.1436 J.025
> G1 X-2.1436 Y-2.0686
> G2 X-2.1509 Y-2.0509 I.0177 J.0177
> G1 Y-2.0505
> G2 X-1.8359 Y-1.2341 I1.2776 J-.024
> G3 X-1.8012 Y-1.1338 I-.1278 J.1003
> X-1.9637 Y-.9713 I-.1625
> X-1.9867 Y-.9729 J-.1625
> G2 X-2.2332 Y-.9969 I-.2465 J1.2538
> X-2.8512 Y-.8375 J1.2778
> X-2.8633 Y-.8221 I.0121 J.0219
> G1 X-2.8907 Y-.7197
> G2 X-2.8916 Y-.7132 I.0242 J.0065
> X-2.888 Y-.7003 I.0251
> X-2.2069 Y-.1508 I1.0945 J-.6596
> G3 X-2.105 Y0. I-.0606 J.1508
> X-2.2069 Y.1508 I-.1625
> G2 X-2.888 Y.7003 I.4134 J1.2091
> X-2.8916 Y.7132 I.0215 J.0129
> X-2.8907 Y.7197 I.0251
> G1 X-2.8633 Y.8221
> G2 X-2.8512 Y.8375 I.0242 J-.0065
> X-2.2332 Y.9969 I.618 J-1.1184
> X-1.9867 Y.9729 J-1.2778
> G3 X-1.9637 Y.9713 I.023 J.1609
> X-1.8012 Y1.1338 J.1625
> X-1.8359 Y1.2341 I-.1625
> G2 X-2.1509 Y2.0505 I.9626 J.8404
> G1 Y2.0509
> G2 X-2.1436 Y2.0686 I.025
> G1 X-2.1282 Y2.084
> G3 X-2.1136 Y2.1193 I-.0354 J.0353
> X-2.1282 Y2.1547 I-.05
> G1 G40 X-2.1636 Y2.19
> Z.055 F20.
> G0 Z.25
> M5
> G91 G28 Z0. M9
> M30
> %
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Robert Ellenberg <> wrote:
>> Terry, that's a good idea. I suspect G41/G42 won't affect much since the
>> offsets are applied before the path is sent to the motion module, but it
>> would be nice to be sure.  Do you have a program handy that use G41/42
>> extensively? If so, I'd be happy to add it to the tests I run.
>> -Rob
>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:54 PM, TERRY Christophersen <
>> >wrote:
>> > Have you tried the new tp with g41/g42? Im sure it wont matter but just
>> in
>> > case...
>> >
>> > Terry
>> > One thing I have noticed - with the new TP - the path reaches commanded
>> > speed.  mach gets close but is usually a few percent under.
>> >
>> > Take this program steve posted a while back.  (
>> > )
>> >
>> > New TP
>> >
>> > If you calculate it out - it is about 3600mm/min.  that is the commanded
>> > velocity  (following path within .1mm aprox .004")   it actually
>> > finishes a whole .5 seconds faster ;)
>> >
>> > With Mach
>> >
>> > it peaks at about 3300mm/min.
>> >
>> > sam  (having too much fun...)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2/20/2014 10:37 AM, sam sokolik wrote:
>> > > Steve!
>> > >
>> > > Here is your sample of gcode running the newest TP
>> > >
>> > > Original TP
>> > >  (limit of the 1 segment look-ahead)
>> > >
>> > > New TP (which does arc-arc , Line-arc and line-line look-ahead.)
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Robs hard work is awesome! (and it keeps improving)
>> > >
>> > > sam
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On 04/07/2013 05:28 PM, Steve Blackmore wrote:
>> > >> On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 10:21:11 -0500, you wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >>> On Sun, Apr 07, 2013 at 10:13:11AM +0100, Steve Blackmore wrote:
>> > >>>> CV in LinuxCNC still does not work well. Have a look at this
>> > >>>>
>> > >>>>
>> > >>> Please share your gcode and your full config directory.
>> > >> Hi Chris - Here's part of the code - it's obvious early on without
>> all
>> > >> of it. I'll post the config tomorrow - machine is at work.
>> > >>
>> > >> BTW - Changing N190 to
>> > >>
>> > >> N190 G64 P0.5
>> > >>
>> > >> and it runs better, but that's far too much deviation.
>> > >>
>> > >> This was first reported on 26th July 2011 in a post
>> > >> "trying to understand EMC's operation"
>> > >> Have a read of that thread for way more information. Daniel Rogge
>> > >> concurs in his tests posted on 29th.
>> > >>
>> > >> I've re posted as this is still occurring since V2.4 !
>> > >>
>> > >> N100 G0 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80
>> > >> N110 G91.1
>> > >> N120 G1 Z20.000 F3600.0
>> > >> N130 T1 M06
>> > >> N140 (End Mill {6 mm})
>> > >> N150 G43H1 Z20.000
>> > >> N160 S12000 M03
>> > >> N170(Toolpath:- Profile 1)
>> > >> N180()
>> > >> N190 G64
>> > >> N200 G1 X0.000 Y0.000 F3600
>> > >> N210 G0 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z6.000
>> > >> N220 G1 X-1.974 Y8.147 Z-1.000 F1200.0
>> > >> N230 G2 X-1.346 Y40.813 I1274.739 J-8.173 F3600.0
>> > >> N240 G1 X-1.246 Y43.543 Z-1.000
>> > >> N250 G1 X-1.175 Y44.975 Z-1.000
>> > >> N260 G2 X0.630 Y65.631 I357.751 J-20.852
>> > >> N270 G2 X3.629 Y86.169 I356.674 J-41.593
>> > >> N280 G1 X3.738 Y86.813 Z-1.000
>> > >> N290 G1 X3.885 Y87.608 Z-1.000
>> > >> N300 G1 X4.121 Y88.649 Z-1.000
>> > >> N310 G1 X4.891 Y91.654 Z-1.000
>> > >> N320 G2 X8.045 Y101.818 I125.643 J-33.412
>> > >> N330 G2 X12.017 Y111.685 I122.371 J-43.533
>> > >> N340 G1 X12.167 Y112.021 Z-1.000
>> > >> N350 G1 X12.392 Y112.507 Z-1.000
>> > >> N360 G1 X12.836 Y113.360 Z-1.000
>> > >> N370 G1 X14.404 Y116.145 Z-1.000
>> > >> N380 G2 X48.101 Y150.602 I84.920 J-49.341
>> > >> N390 G2 X94.143 Y164.886 I51.247 J-83.839
>> > >> N400 G1 X98.585 Y165.027 Z-1.000
>> > >> N410 G2 X107.856 Y164.832 I1.550 J-146.800
>> > >> N420 G1 X114.650 Y164.312 Z-1.000
>> > >> N430 G1 X121.416 Y163.467 Z-1.000
>> > >> N440 G1 X124.191 Y163.060 Z-1.000
>> > >> N450 G1 X127.048 Y162.615 Z-1.000
>> > >> N460 G2 X139.931 Y159.885 I-25.733 J-153.243
>> > >> N470 G2 X152.544 Y156.073 I-38.655 J-150.662
>> > >> N480 G1 X157.534 Y154.334 Z-1.000
>> > >> N490 G1 X161.108 Y153.062 Z-1.000
>> > >> N500 G2 X183.667 Y143.969 I-122.738 J-337.027
>> > >> N510 G2 X205.551 Y133.371 I-145.209 J-327.734
>> > >> N520 G1 X207.732 Y132.276 Z-1.000
>> > >> N530 G1 X215.815 Y128.556 Z-1.000
>> > >> N540 G1 X219.037 Y127.150 Z-1.000
>> > >> N550 G1 X222.272 Y125.782 Z-1.000
>> > >> N560 G1 X223.416 Y125.300 Z-1.000
>> > >> N570 G1 X223.904 Y125.085 Z-1.000
>> > >> N580 G3 X237.774 Y120.073 I38.168 J83.912
>> > >> N590 G3 X252.272 Y117.334 I24.318 J88.999
>> > >> N600 G1 X253.479 Y117.248 Z-1.000
>> > >>
>> > >> Steve Blackmore
>> > >> --
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> >
>> >
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