On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 08:05:03 +0200, you wrote:

>Le 17/04/2014 09:08, Steve Blackmore a écrit :
>> Modern panels are designed to work in daylight and don't need full
>> Sunlight.
>Well not really. There two main technologies, cristalline and amorphous.
>Cristalline cells needs full sunlight to deliver some usable power. 
>Their efficiency is better.
>Amorphous cells can use indirect light like you have on cloudy day. But 
>their efficiency is a little bit lower, wich is not a problem because 
>they are cheaper, so for the same peak power you will pay the same. but 
>you need more surface to install them.

There are Hybrid cells too - crystalline and thin film mix.

In order of purchase price and roughly speaking

Poly - 11-15% efficient
Mono - 13-17%
Hybrids - 17%+

Typical panels over here in UK are 1.2 to 1.8 square metres in size and
produce about 180-250W in daylight (NOT full sun). - That's at 52 deg
North and are actual figures taken yesterday in overcast conditions on a
commercial CHP installation I designed five years ago.

Steve Blackmore

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