On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 06:19:09PM -0700, Greg Bernard wrote:
>    Hi.
>    I just received notice that my membership was suspended due to excessive
>    "bounces".
>    I was able to successfully reinstate my membership but in the interest of
>    retaining it I would like to know exactly what a "bounce" is and how I can
>    avoid it in the future. The only thing I can think of is that I included a
>    link in my message. Could that be what triggered it?
>    Thanks,
>    Greg

Greg, pardon me for replying in public to your private message;
this affects LOTS of people.

This is nothing you've done wrong.  Unfortunately this is caused by
some yahoo madness.  It's a very big problem, and it's not clear
what the fix is (except for yahoo to undo their change.)

Worse, the change that yahoo made causes people at OTHER providers
to be unsubscribed, too.  At least comcast, yahoo, hotmail, live,
sympatico, bellsouth, msn, and outlook users are being unsubscribed
because of this.

So in short, yahoo have singlehandedly broken all the existing
mailing lists in the world.  

The sourceforge bug:

Someone who figured out the problem earlier:

Unsubscribing/forbidding all yahoo users is the only possible fix
today (which would save people who use other providers from damage)
but that really stinks because yahoo is so popular.

Yahoo knows they broke mailing lists; see the bottom of their


I have turned off bounce processing temporarily; I hope sourceforge
(and the mailman people) can come up with something soon, or yahoo
undoes the madness.

Meanwhile, if you've been looking for a reason to stop using yahoo
mail, here's a very good one.

If you are using yahoo mail, please don't respond to this message.
Instead, please let yahoo know that you are affected, or move to
another email provider.


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