On Fri, 6 Jun 2014 17:17:56 -0400, you wrote:

>On Friday 06 June 2014 17:03:48 Ralph Stirling did opine
>And Gene did reply:
>> Definitely no gloves!  You will bleed a lot less from a cut finger than
>> from the stump of a finger.  Lathes or mills and gloves are a bad
>> combination.
>> -- Ralph
>Precisely my thoughts on the subject, but try telling that to an MD when 
>he has 6 interns in tow.  There is a straight thru tube from the near ear 
>to the far one. I could see it working... ;)

Glad to hear your OK. 

I'm with you on Doctors - like lots of other "professional people", may
be clever but totally lacking in the not so common "common sense".

I've worked with many pro's with very high IQ's and more qualifications
you could shake a stick at and there are very few of them I'd even let
take my dog for walk ;) Can't complain as being a cynical realist has
kept me employed all my life and I love nothing more that wearing my "I
told you so" tee shirt. It's cost me a few jobs too <G>.

Steve Blackmore

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