On 12/01/2014 12:46 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>>> The updated documentation is online at:
>>>>>   http://www.vagrearg.org/content/gcmc-into
>>>> Should be:
>>>>     http://www.vagrearg.org/content/gcmc-intro
>>> Yes. is this very complete web page available in pdf for making dead
>>> tree copies? It would be bound and occupy the shelf beside the
>>> monitor in my case.
>> Hm, no, not as such. But you could get the source html in the browser
>> (from the distro or webpage) and do a "Print to File" as a Postscript
>> file. Then run:
>> $ ps2pdf -dOptimize=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sPAPERSIZE=a4 myfile.ps
>> (or whatever papaer size you require) that will give you a "myfile.pdf"
>> file. Then you can print that pdf on a printer using dead trees, bind
>> it and put it on the shelf.
>> However, it might be easier to save the html locally and read it
>> locally in the browser or print it from your browser directly then ;-)
> Which is what I just did, and punched & mounted in a folder.  But in 
> looking it over, it seems to me that writing what I want it to do in a new 
> language, and then translating it into gcode adds more complexity than I 
> would have just writing it in gcode in the first place.

Well, that is a matter of opinion, I guess. It is often easier to revert
to old habits instead of learning new tricks. I know because I tend to
do that too all too often (boy I feel old now ;-)

The point being, using a new language means thinking at a different
level of abstraction, which is always a steep learning curve.

Speaking for my self, I just got fed up with plain gcode's archaics and
wanted more structure.

> I have it in mind 
> to have a couple vars in it which will be used as multipliers so I can 
> control which set of these huge box fingers is being cut by inverting the 
> shape of the cut in the y direction depending on whether a var is  1.0000 
> or 0.00000.
>... [snip] ...

Wow, you lost me there.

> Today is a good day, I woke up. :)

This I can relate to :-)

Greetings Bertho

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