On 07/04/2015 12:18 AM, Bruce Layne wrote:
> Even on a CNC router or a mill, there is a large amount of variation in 
> the results depending on spindle speed, cutter diameter, grain structure 
> and other physical properties of the material being engraved, etc.  
> Secondary operations are also a consideration.  If a wood plaque is 
> going to be engraved, spray painted to fill the engraving, and surface 
> sanded to remove the excess paint over spray, the top surface details 
> resulting from different engraving processes probably won't matter at 
> all to the finished product.

It surely depends on the mill, materials and tools. But the question
here would be: "what is the rule of thumb"?

> I can see people wanting the fastest path for some jobs and the slower 
> consistent engraving direction options.  Is there any way to make that a 
> parameter that can be set?

Well, not really as a flag. The strokes are a the primary part of the
font-definition. It would mean to create an alternative version of the
font face. Then you simply select another face. It looks the same, but
takes a different path.

> Isn't that always the way?  Give people an Exclusive OR choice and they 
> want the Inclusive OR option, and they inevitably ask, "Can't we have both?"
> :-)

Well, yes, humans and binary logic are a bad combination ;-)

Anyway, simply creating an alternative version is no problem. But the
question of what would be preferable remains. There are arguments for
both versions. What I cannot decide is whether the arguments would favor
one over the other, or that the argumnents' strength and conclusion
primarily depends on other factors like mill, material, tool and

> Thanks for your great work on gcmc.  Really good stuff there.

You are welcome.

Greetings Bertho

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