
I am putting up some first thoughts on something that will be able to take
a stream of gcode commands over the net and do something useful to drive a
CNC machine. I welcome all thoughts and opinions on what is useful in what
we are looking at and ways to get the job done. If people decide it's
useful, I have no problems sharing it but will promise there is no support
beyond our own needs at this point. (This isn't to say that a good idea
won't be done if it isn't in our critical path, but if, when and how are

thanks in advance,

Thoughts for remote gcode execution python script

Our goal is to be able to run the CNC machine being driven from software
running on a different computer. It's more of a robot than a manufacturing
machine. This is very different than the design a part, generate gcode,
load the gcode onto the machine and run it model.

At the same time, I figure this may be useful to others if we get the
requirements right. One example is the ability to make smarter user
interfaces by having particular places in the gcode where the driving
software knows to check for state or errors and give specific guidance to
the user.

The key point is that I don't require but kind of expect the thing on the
other end to be smarter than a file copy.

It seems that the easiest way to do this is to put together a python
program using the python interface to linuxcnc.

 Basic idea


   everything that is sent is either gcode or a comment

   comments are denoted with “;”

   comments that have only white space before ; and the next non-white
   character is “!” is an executor command

   There are two modes: run and debug

   simplest communications first: commands on standard input of the script,
   remote access is external to script

   there is a lock file so only 1 script can run at a time

   single threaded for simplicity, can do parallel error checking in the



   run mode

      default mode

      start by opening the command and error channels, wait for ready

      main loop

         read a line

         eliminate “;” comment lines, process executor commands

         feed the rest as mdi commands


         check for error

            errors messages sent back on stderr

      exit on M1/M30

   debug mode

      add a prompt response after each command

         Maybe use “>” for good response, “@” for error as default

         errors and prompts on stdout

         executor commands produce different prompts

Executor commands



      1 arg: run/debug


      arg: list of keywords

         example: current_position, current_velocity

      validate list of keywords

         error if unknown

      return each keyword and value(s) one per line in list order

         unless someone objects, these will be sent in json format


      1 arg: integer seconds


      args: list of keyword=x where x is a single character

         example exec_error=&


      no arg

Jerry Scharf
650.285.6361 w
650.279.7017 m
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