I've been running 2.7 for a while on my plasma and the difference it 
unreal. 2.6 would choke on letters generated with nurbs but 2.7 just 
runs at the speed I tell it to for some beautiful cuts.


On 8/13/2015 7:54 AM, sam sokolik wrote:
> As 2.7 gets closer to release I wanted to make some comments on where
> the new TP is at.  I have been running it through its paces as others
> have.  Thanks to all that have posted gcode that caused issues.  Rob has
> been a genius at fixing issues as they come up.  A huge thanks to Rob
> and Tormach for coming up with a great solution!
> At this point I think the TP is pretty darn good.  I have a few programs
> that give a slight 1% overage in acceleration.  Rob hopes to get to it
> when he has some time.  The current TP actually has worse overages in
> some situations.  (see screen shot - worse is relative as no one ever
> notice it that we know of)
> Notice that the new TP ran the Gcode almost twice as fast...
> current TP http://i.imgur.com/hl14TlT.png
> 2.7 TP http://i.imgur.com/OwyvuM1.png
> Thanks again everyone that has tested 2.7.  It is going to be a great
> release!
> (also - test if you can - we always need more testers)
> sam
> PS
> there are things that rob has demo'ed too - like reverse run. Exciting
> times.
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