On 12/06/2015 10:42 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 06 December 2015 22:57:52 Rafael wrote:
>> On 12/06/2015 07:25 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Greetings all;
>>> Before tv's lost their crt's, there was a component in the power
>>> inlet circuit that had a very high negative temp coefficient, which
>>> was used to create a high voltage drop when it was cold, which in
>>> turn forced the first few seconds of its power draw after being
>>> turned on, thru the degaussing coils wrapped around the crt in order
>>> to demagnetise it.
>>> That voltage drop heated it, and it got hot enough to get down to
>>> just a couple of ohms, which was not enough to overcome the MOV in
>>> series with the coils.  This also allowed the tv itself to be
>>> soft-started, and it worked so well that it was often the major part
>>> failure in the tv for the first 3 or 4 years.
>>> About 3 or 4 of those, wired in parallel, would also serve as an
>>> inrush limiter when I turn on the power supply for my G0704 mill.
>>> But the parts houses we had locally have all evaporated.  I just
>>> checked a couple surplus places without finding any of those
>>> critters.
>>> Does anyone have a suggestion as to where a small handfull of these
>>> could be sourced?  Usually bare, they look like a graphite quarter
>>> coin with a lead wire soldered to the middle of a silver plated dot
>>> in the middle of each face.  Usually slightly thicker than a
>>> 'merican quarter.
>> I think you are looking for NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient).
>> Search brings back numerous links to choose from. However, there are
>> better solutions but cost a bit more of course.
> Yes, and contrary to a previous poster, the name isn't a Surgistor, but
> a "Thermistor" for the NTC component.
Digi-Key has them, but maybe not in a current you want.

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