Greetings all,

I recently "inherited" a little Smithy 622 CNC mill that had already been
converted to LinuxCNC.

The machine has BLDC servos on the X and Y (run by the 7i39 on P1 of the
5i20), a spindle encoder and analog drive (run from the 7i33TA on P2 of the
5i20), and a stepper for the Z-axis (run along with the field I/O from the
Opto22 board on P3 of the 5i20).

Before tonight, everything was working great. So, naturally, I had to mess
with it.

The PC was running 2.5 on Ubuntu 10, so I decided to reload the machine
with a clean LinuxCNC 2.7/Debian Wheezy install (from the .iso).

After the install, I copied over the (previously) working ini/hal config
files (attached). But, now when I try to start up LinuxCNC, I get an error
that the hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.enable pin cannot be found.

>From what I can tell, even though the config is calling for 3 encoders, 2
3-phase PWMs, 1 regular PWM, and 1 stepgen, only the encoders and 3-phase
PWMs are getting created.

The only thing I can think of is that the previous owner was using a
modified version of the SVTP6_7I39.BIT firmware that allowed for the
creation of stepgens and regular pwmgens.

Sadly, I did not think to back up the firmware folder before wiping the old

Am I missing something, or do I need some sort of custom firmware file?


Attachment: 5i20.ini
Description: application/wine-extension-ini

Attachment: hm2-servo-sine.hal
Description: Binary data

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