On 02/01/2016 12:02 PM, Dave Cole wrote:
>    Although Nafta was
> suppose to grease the skids between countries.   From personal
> experience, and a small biz owner I can tell you that it only greased
> the skids for big companies to transfer large quantities of goods and
> assets across the borders.
Wow, that's sure true!  I can send a package to Detroit for 
$8.  If I want to send it to London, Ont. it is $40, and the 
recipient has to pay duties on it.  Also, I have to fill out 
a bunch of paperwork for the Customs people.
> I'd still like to understand how China goods can be shipping and
> imported into the US for virtually free, but I can't ship the same item
> across the country for anything close to the same cost.
> If anyone knows, please enlighten me.
You buy it on eBay, "free shipping".  The government of 
China allows internet sellers to ship out for free, they are 
subsidizing it. They put "sample" or "gift" on the customs 
form, which is, of course, illegal, so there are no customs 
duties.  It is a racket, maybe the Chinese government even 
has flyers or classes to teach people how to do this.


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