> RasPI and Beagle and all these other things have life cycles more in line
> with smart phones - this year's new shiny is considered obsolete next year,
> and the replacement is far less likely to be a "drop-in", so you wind up
> needing new breakout boards or other interface hardware.

I don't to "breakout boards" I make cables.   The cable uses those 0.1
inch headers and will work with any SBC.
As for software, we have all learned now to fully abstract out the
hardware.   I like using the arduiono for prototypes and learning how
some sensor works, then later move the code to some ARM based SBC.
The ARM will run Linux but the Arduino is easy because there is no OS
to deal with.   You CAN move between platforms if you plan in advance
to do so.

Does no good to wash for the days when nothing changed for decades,
those days are gone, gone, gone....

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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