I may be able to help you out fixing your mpg.  I am just up the road from you 
in Ann Arbor.  I sent you a message a couple days ago but it may have gone into 
your spam mailbox.

> On Feb 7, 2016, at 9:55 AM, r...@superiorroll.com wrote:
> We do need the whole pendant, I found these same ones on eBay, with a 2-3 
> week delivery. The ones we normally buy are 3-4 weeks, and cost $150 plus 
> shipping. 
> We broke the stems off of the selector switches on one of the pendants on one 
> of our turning centers, so I stole the unit off of our machining center 
> temporarily. 
> The selectors are pcb mounted, and I'm not near talented enough to unsolder 
> the 13 little pins out of the sockets, and solder the new ones back in. 
> Rick 
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MPG Handwheel for use with 7i73
> From: "John Thornton" <j...@gnipsel.com>
> Date: Sun, February 7, 2016 7:45 am
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Do you just need the MPG or a pendant? I thought AliExpress was for when 
> you didn't need something in a hurry...
> JT
> On 2/7/2016 6:28 AM, r...@superiorroll.com wrote:
>> Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to look at this, all the units we 
>> already have in service have a "Line Driver" type output, this says "TTL", 
>> but they are out of stock of the ones we use, and I need one pretty quickly,
>> Thanks
>> Rick
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: MPG Handwheel for use with 7i73
>> From: "Rick Lair" <r...@superiorroll.com>
>> Date: Tue, February 2, 2016 2:01 pm
>> To: "Emc Users" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> This is mainly directed at PCW, but after looking at this,
>> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/CNC-Pulse-Generator-4-Axis-MPG-Pendant-Handwheel-Emergency-Stop-for-Siemens-FAGOR-GSK/2009058806.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.1.ZvKjv2&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_6,searchweb201644_2_505_506_503_504_502_10014_10001_10002_10016_10005_10006_10003_10004,searchweb201560_2,searchweb1451318400_-1,searchweb1451318411_6449&btsid=3161ee1c-584a-403d-94ec-f8a52a7c24f0
>> Will this be an acceptable handwheel to use with a 7i73?
>> It says
>>          - Required 5V+, 150mA, power for MPG
>>          - Phase output is A ,/A and B,/B;
>>          - TTL output, drive capability +-20mA;
>> Not sure about the "TTL" part ????
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