Manual toolchanging here.

I have a wireless tool setter already wired in, and an XHC-HB04 wireless 
pendant.  I'd like to press the "Probe-Z" button and have it zero the work 
coords on the touch.

But, just to complicate things, I'd really like to have this deadman, so you 
must hold down the Probe-Z button or it will abort the process immediately and 
fail to set the Z-home.  

There are others using the machine and it's quite easy to forget to put the 
tool probe down or fail to align the tool directly over the probe properly.  
This is the sort of thing people readily say "oh crap!" and promptly forget to 
go looking for the Stop button.  It's a large router and the physical e-stop 
may be some distance away, and if you used that it's gonna unhome the whole 
machine coord system.  I could also reasonably expect some to "fix" it by just 
pausing which actually leaves its move pending.  So there's a big advantage to 
deadmanning that button.

I have coded up other XHC buttons in the HAL to do simple things (home 
button=G0 X0 Y0).  I do see Probe solutions that call a g-code .ngc file but 
that can't deadman AFAIK.  

Is there a reasonably practical way to do this?


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