Sorry, Chris, your first link doesn't work (not found) and the second 
requires registration with dropbox or google. Not for me.

Am 26.09.2016 05:45, schrieb Chris Albertson:
> I've started work on a motorized indexer for my rotary table.   At this
> point I am not calling this a fourth axis.  The way this will be used is to
> (1) rotate the table, (2) clamp it down, (3) perform the drill or mill
> operation (4) unlock) then if not finished go to #1.
> A fourth axis would required more mechanical precision.  I plan to drive
> the table only on one direction and clamp down the clamps when cutting.
> It should work well for making bolt circles and the like.
> Later I can see if my low-cost table can be used for more.
> The project adds a stepper motor to replace the crank because I am not good
> at counting or finding holes on an index plate.   The motor connects via
> direct drive to a a worm that drives a 72 tooth wheel.  I can micro step at
> about 8:1.  This gives me about 0.0001" of resolution at the edge of the
> table and a lot more near the enter.
> For your amusement here is a photo of the controller electronics, computer
> and all working on my electronics bench.   The user interface is a rotrary
> knob that you can "push to select" and there is a small LCD for a display.
> <>
> The little 8-bit computer can drive the stepper at almost 10,000 steps per
> second.  The steps have 105 uSec period with only a few tens of nanoseconds
> variation.  I'm currently using a 12 volt plug-in power cube to power the
> stepper.
> QUESTION:  Before I get further along, within the limits of this hardware
> what features would be good to include?   The memory has tons more room for
> software and many unused pins on the Arduino.  I wonder if I missed any
> useful features?
> 1) selectable units, either degrees/minutes/seconds or fraction of a circle
> 2) A physical button to set the zero point
> 3) A physical "step" button to move to the next point
> 4) can set the step size with rotary dial
> 5) controls lock out automatically when it does not make sense to use them
> to avoid accidental activation
> 6) A fine motion mode where the table moves 1 second of arc per click of
> the rotary dial, for fine tuning the zero point
> 7) the display will show the current position and the step size in
> selectable units
> Is there anything I missed?
> PS.   This is only tangentially related to LinuxCNC, connection to that
> comes later.   Another project I want to do is to add a replica of the
> physical hand wheels that go on a manual machine tool.  It would be self
> contained not using a PC.  Likely just three wheels with one of those small
> LCDs above each one to serve as a digital readout.   Basically what you see
> in that photo times three.

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