On 11/27/2016 03:17 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

> But I can only do that from its own keyboard, and I've not made it out
> there yet.
> What I was trying to do was to have all this done, either in the correct
> rc.local files or in a file that I can have auto executed as soon as I
> am logged in.

You can't ssh into the machine and make changes?  Everything has to be 
done on the console?

> Forgot to send this, but I've been out there, trying to get it to work,
> but the message on the raspi's screen is that it cannot open
> for use.

Which machine is that one?

> FWIW, the odroid64 at this time has a full xwindow session running.
> But I also have another problem on the pi, I am not user 1000. I can copy
> a script from a forum message that will fix it, but it also leaves me
> with a skel home directory.  Strangely that does not seem to be a
> problem.
> So I have rm'd the .Xauthority files, which had grown quite large from
> all my putzing. But I am going to run that script from rc.local on the
> raspi so that I have full sudo rights before I try the next thing to
> check. There must not be anyone logged in when this change my user
> number to 1000 is ran.
> Later, after I've fixed me on the raspi.

I'm confused.  What rc.local script gives you full sudo rights? That 
should be the /etc/sudoers file.  Things break when programs can't find 
their initialization info where it's expected.

> Thanks Mark
> Cheers, Gene Heskett


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