Hi Ralph
On 02/14/17 23:13, Ralph Stirling wrote:
> Thanks, Tom.  Since the 3d printed metal part is made from
> sintered powder, I would think it would have a lot of little
> points for the EDM to work on.  The question is whether it
> would smooth them, or merely erode surface particles to
> reveal new particles, leaving the same finish roughness.
> Hypothetical at present, as I don't have access to either
> a metal 3d printer or an EDM machine yet :-).
well edm would expose the granularity of the sintered material
it will not be smoother than the parent material (in general,  edm does 
not smear ;-)
example materials , honeycomb used in wings, and metal foam
I think this will be true of any noncontact subtractive machining
To smooth such a part may require adding material or contacting the material
> I am on the staff of the School of Engineering at Walla Walla
> University.  My time is split between laboratory development
> (designing, building, and installing equipment and working
> with faculty on lab curriculum), and teaching (Manufacturing
> Systems and Intro to EE CAD at present).  I am an EE who
> has been playing at ME for the last 18 years or so.
sounds like a sweet job, i bet you love it
i was an industrial teacher and it was great

my bro taught a course for cad students on manufacturing processes,
his responsibility was to teach how drawn things get made, and show how 
that really influences design
( or how some drawn things are not possible to make, or are really 
expensive to make.
   the disjunction of cad and manufacturing, why round parts are cheaper 
and deeper holes more expensive )

re: walla walla ...

> -- Ralph
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