On 02/26/2017 01:52 PM, dragon wrote:
> Unfortunately the data sheet available on the copley site shows the
> header and which components are resistors or capacitors, but that is the
> only information. I used the Internet Archive Wayback machine to look at
> previous versions of the site too, but all I can find is that same data
> sheet. It doesn't look like they ever released a proper "manual" for the
> 513 on their website.
> I can't even find another model that has the same number of pins on that
> header, so I guess I will look for other drives.

The 4th page of
shows the way to calculate the values for some of those 
header components.  They specify for certain ranges of motor 
inductance, for instance, what values to use.  In general, 
you don't have to do anything with the internal header, the 
default parts are good enough.


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