On 3/31/17 2:00 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 31 March 2017 at 04:02, Drew Rogge <d...@dasrogges.com> wrote:
>> place the part on the base and machine large face
> Initially the base will have a casting draft on it, so isn't
> perpendicular to the large flat face. The large flat face is the mould
> parting line, so should be fairly flat. This is why I was using it as
> the initial reference.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what your doing. I'm assuming that the two things 
you want aligned are
the bore perpendicular to the large face and a key way  in the base. I was 
wrong in referring to the key way as a t-slot. In the original mail you were 
referring to making a hole perpendicular to and aligned to the center of the 
bore. Couldn't see a hole in the drawing and it looked like there was a key way 
aligning the center of the bore to the center t-slot of the table.

One more setup then; large face down and face cut base, then base down and face 
cut large face, back to large face down and skim cut on base and cut key way on 
base. This gets the two faces perpendicular and the center of the key way 
perpendicular to the large face.
>> sweep the two sides of the t-slot to center spindle on slot
> When you say "T slot" do you mean the one in the table? Those run the
> wrong direction.
> Here is the machine in action making a similar sort of part:
> https://goo.gl/photos/UikBgobYDxCnHAZi7
> Though that one didn't need an alignment key as it was a fit, dial in
> once and pin in place job.
Sorry about the confusion with regards to t-slot and key way.


Drew Rogge

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