> On Feb 6, 2018, at 11:03 AM, John Kasunich <jmkasun...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> When you say "same feeds and speeds", do you mean you have selected the 
> F and K and S values such that the actual Z axis speed should be the same?

Yes, exactly.  We calculated what F,K and S values would give us 800 rpm and 80 
ipm feed.

> The speed of the Z axis on a G1 move is based on the F word (feed rate) in 
> effect at that time.
> If you are doing "normal" feed, the F word is in inches per minute (or metric 
> equivalent) and does not depend on spindle speed.
> If you are doing feed-per-rev, it is F inches per rev of the spindle, and 
> does depend on the spindle speed.

I believe we were running the G1 in normal mode, I will try it with 
feed-per-rev mode as well and see how it compares.

> The speed of the Z axis on a G33 move is based on the K word (thread pitch) 
> in effect at that time, and always depends on the spindle speed.
> So in general, those moves will not "sound" the same, since they are at 
> different speeds.
> Some specific examples
> Normal feed mode:
> G94 (set normal feed mode)
> F6  (set feed to 6" per minute)
> G1 Z2  (Z moves at 6" per minute, regardless of spindle speed)
> Feed-per-rev mode:
> M3 S800 (start spindle at 800 RPM)
> G95 (set feed-per-rev mode)
> F0.004 (set feed to 0.004" per rev)
> G1 Z2  (Z moves at 0.004" x 800 = 3.2" per minute)
> Spindle sync mode:
> M3 S800 (start spindle at 800 RPM)
> G33 Z2 K0.020  (Z moves at 0.020" x 800 = 16" per minute)
> If you've chosen the F, S, and K values so that the Z axis speeds should be 
> the same, then it gets more complicated.
> How is your spindle speed set?  Do you have a closed loop control such as a 
> VFD with encoder feedback?  Maybe (especially if you just have a constant 
> speed motor and gears/belts) the spindle isn't really turning at 800 RPM.  In 
> that case, G1 with normal feed will ignore the actual spindle speed and run 
> at the programmed F feed rate, while G33 will track the actual spindle speed, 
> even if it isn't 800 RPM.  Do you have a convenient way to independently 
> verify the spindle speed?

I think I can round up a tach and check it manually.  The spindle is controlled 
by a VFD and we have an encoder on the spindle, but I am wondering if I have it 
wired (in hal) correctly at this point.  I just posted my spindle and encoder 
config in the thread subject "CSS and spindle-at-speed during a G33” as I was 
discussing my hal config.

>> Perhaps for the motion planner that is two different code paths but 
>> regardless should the two moves sound identical?  G33 waits for index 
>> before moves but once moving is there something going on that would 
>> cause it to sound different than a non-synchronized move?
> Another possibility is the acceleration up to the cutting speed at the start 
> of the sync move.  In some cases, you can have overshoot or speed oscillation 
> as the axis matches speed with the spindle, and that could sound strange.

I have a readout of the spindle speed showing in Glade that (I think) is coming 
from the encoder and that number varies about 1-2 RPM at higher speeds (above 
1000 rpm or so) and 2-4 rpm at lower speeds.

>> We are wondering if the difference is sound we are hearing is an 
>> indication of a problem in our spindle or in the way we are tracking 
>> spindle speed.
> The ultimate way to know what is going on is to use HalScope to view the 
> spindle and Z-axis speeds during the entire move.

I will take a look at that.

Thanks John,

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