On Wednesday 07 March 2018 22:05:40 jeremy youngs wrote:

> Doubtfull, if the interface is wired so the + terminals are connected
> to the 5 volt buss, and a logic zero at the output then becomes the on
> signal, tied to the 4060's - terminals. It will likely run just fine
> on faster signals. The diff is that if the logic signal is tied to the
> + terminal, the pullup from the interface to turn on the opto's in the
> 4060, isn't near as strong as the logic zero sinking ability. I have a
> variety of drivers, and none of them are running as slow as the
> choices in stepconfig. Set the polarity of the signals in the hal file
> so that the step signals are negative for a logic one. You may want to
> check that with a real scope.
>  Invert pins to sink instead of source , more current handling
> ability. Run the other script in terminal, for 30 minutes copy report,
> paste here . Will do , that will take a bit of fanagalling as no
> internet at the shop , so be patient ( should have tomorrow evening or
> so ) , you said run something, can I run linuxcnc?

I believe thats what I wrote.

No net at the shop? Scary, how do you update?. All my machines are net 
connected, but the only firewall is dd-wrt reflashed into the router. No 
one has gotten thru it in a decade, one of the internets best kept 

>  I believe the on board video is Intel , don't Know if 915 . It gives
> the same rtapi error regardless of video used.
> The old motherboard ate ram at a pretty decent rate

One thing I've noted is that 4GB of dram seems to be a sour spot, and 
gets into swap very easily. 2GB or 8GB is much less of a problem, with 
memory allocation being much more tightly controlled at 1 or 2 GB than 
at 4 GB. I have an r-pi 3b, with only a gig of ram, and with 7 days of 
uptime, is only into swap about 7 megs and it has done a few hours work 
in that 7 days. Had a power bump last week else its uptime would be 60+ 

> I figured the caps 
> were bad and a reconditioned Mobo was less than the caps , I figured
> the Mobo would help the rtapi , no such luck. I about have this y
> ballscrew contained , still not the final revision but it will be
> better than before , and I will get to use in stock screws so that's a
> plus.

Contained? please elaborate. "stock screws" generally are metal to metal 
threads and waste 90+ percent of the motors power in frictional losses 
compared to ball screws.

> Also is there a tutorial on smi ? Perhaps YouTube? I will myself but I
> have been puzzled about this and isolcpus , it's kinda my
> understanding that those were for previous versions of rtai .
> Thank you for your time Gene .

I believe there is a discussion about smi on <http://wiki.linuxcnc.org>. 
Might have to search for it.  Whether its still valid I'm not positive 
and will assume the final word is in the wiki.

isolcpu's has I believe been deprecated, I don't know that I am using it 
on any of my 4 current machines. OTOH, I am running 2.8-pre on all 4 
machines. There could be some diffs between the latest 2.7 and 2.8-pre.

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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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