On 16.04.18 09:53, Chris Albertson wrote:
> >
> > I'm also looking at a camping fridge with phase-change material inside
> > the insulation. That only needs power for a couple of hours in the
> > morning, and again in the afternoon, so does not load the batteries if
> > there's sun.
> >
> Not a "camping" fridge but a marine refrigerator.  These are installed in
> sailboats and are really common.  First you buy vacuum panels,  There are
> made of stainless steel and you assemble the panels into a container shape.

Many thanks Chris. "DC marine refrigerator" provides interesting hits.
I'm partial to the ready-made ones, as it'll be much more fun building
LED lighting than reimplementing refrigeration. (Not much call for
glossy woodwork in a fridge, either. I have some centuries old Redgum or
Redbox¹, from small logs that were in a fire at least a century ago.
They are charred on the outside, but the heat darkened the inner wood to
a deep burgundy. Even in the round, it hasn't cracked. Some of it's sawn
up, but some small (8") rounds not yet. They'll make good lamp parts.
Some bits of Manuka burl are sketched in for wingtips on one design.
(With 1/3 of a microwave oven platter as diffuser, if I can cut 'em into
120° sectors.) Just need time, and either clear out the workshop here,
or build the one there.)


¹ Eucalyptus

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