I started using SolidWorks about 2000 and bought my own license in 2004. When 
the market effectively died in 2007 I decided to let the SW maintenance expire 
since it wasn't earning its keep.
In 2010 I bought the full monte Alibre Design Expert package and it has served 
me well doing most everything SW was for 1/3 the cost. I also use the Mecsoft 
AlibreCAM plugin for milling. I will skip the drama of Alibre being bought out 
by 3D systems before the founding Alibre staff ransomed back the company. My 
main fault with the Alibre staff is they based the product on the Visual DotNet 
platform. (bad programers - should have to go sit in a corner and write a loop 
that prints "I will not write code that links dot net libraries!" in assembly 
code a million times.)
But to be honest for most work, the fastest solution for a 2 1/2D program is to 
fire up a DOSBox window and run a virtual x86 session for BoBCAD gold v12 DOS 
edition. I can draw or solve needed geometry and generate the basic gcode in a 
few minutes. Due to being compiled for DOS (circa 1991) I can run the DOSBox 
app on a raspberry pi and for BOBCAD its like running on a CRAY super computer. 
Its greatest detraction is the built in DOS VGA output coding which leaves you 
stuck with only 640x480 as your only output option.
I once inquired about obtaining the rights to the source code for V12 and V14, 
but BOBCAD was content to keep the DOS version dead and buried. V12 was rock 
stable, V14 I can not comment on as I waited too late to consider upgrading and 
the NEW Windows (buggy as an ant hill) version was out.
Serious thought - if a group of serious programmers formed a open source 
CAD/CAM project for Linux and could show the community a viable 2 1/2 D CADCAM 
suite with a structured published goal list I think many of us using Windows 
based warez that are paying yearly maintenance fees would consider signing on 
as patrons. The ultimate goal would be to drop the commercial warez once the 
software matures enough to cover a users needs. I would be paying $1200/yr just 
to keep my warez up to date. If I could drop the commercial warez to run open 
source and be a $400/yr patron I would be thrilled. Having the option to 
request certain new features and being able to add an additional donation 
incentive would also be nice.
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