how to add linuxcnc repos to my raspian jessie rpi3B+ ?

i installed raspbian jessie from then built rt kernel from -b rpi-4.14.y-rt

I rebooted and checked that I was running rt-preempt
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 4.14.59-rt37-v7+ #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Aug 20 12:47:16 +07 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

then found linuxcnc deb at
thats a real easter egg!

I was worried about the deps needed by the install, so
in synaptic, i added repo    deb  jessie base
then exited synaptic
then ran sudo apt-get update and got

"Failed to fetch htt://
unable to find expected 'base/binary-armhf/Packages'
in Release file ( wrong source.list or malformed file )"

I was lucky that gdebi could install the deps
sudo gdebi linuxcnc-uspace_2.1.14_armhf.deb worked a treat

but how do i use synaptic in the future?
the apt-get update error has me worried.

thx tomp

btw: 83.4uS max latency-histogram --nobase 1mS thread  4 glx gears  isolcpus=2,3   3693secs  ssh'd in over eth0

will let it cook overnight but looks pretty good

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