On Thursday 22 November 2018 10:54:29 Mark Johnsen wrote:

> I use keypass:
> https://keepass.info/download.html.
> They have linux and browser versions (contributed/unofficial ports). 
> I use the windoz version and works well for me.
> I did ask a crypto 'expert' recently regarding the safety of the
> google chrome password holder and his thought was that google has too
> much liability to not make it work well.  The guy did look the part of
> hacker computer dude w/ a job at a funded startup, so he has some
> merit;-)
> Passwords are a pain as everyone knows, hence why I went to keepass. 
> When I was w/ JnJ they had different systems where the password req'ts
> conflicted w/ each other.  One required special characters and one
> prohibited special characters.  Not too mention length conflicts.  My
> frowned upon one-size fits all password was out the door!  Drat!
> Mark
Yeah...  Its been much of a year now since I went to buy something from 
someplace I hadn't dealt with before and found their pw requirement was 
6 chars max. I sent them a semi-nastygram listing what I was going to 
purchase, but would not until such time as I could use a 20+character pw 
so there was at least the resemblance of security. That was on a Friday 
I believe, and Monday I got a message that its max length had been 
expanded to 128 mixed case alpha-numeric chars. Needless to say the 
order was placed within the hour.  Some folks it seems are hungry. :)

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:46 AM Chris Albertson
> <albertson.ch...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Gene,
> >
> > Maybe what you want to do is subscribe to a 3rd party password
> > manager. This why storage of passwords does not depend on your
> > browser or your local computer.   Some people think these outfits
> > are there to steal your information, but they just don't understand
> > encryption.  There are several I use Apple's "keychain" and it works
> > across all my devices.   Google has a similar service that works
> > with their Chrome browser and sync passwords across Linux, IOS,
> > Andros, Windows and I assume Chromebooks too.   Then there is
> > 1Password, they are universal and have been around for a while.
> > 1Passworld, I think offers the best feature set will completely
> > solve the problem if "what if every device I own burns up" but it
> > costs $3 permonth The others are free do about the same thing.

Make a recommendation, I'll check them out. I have looked at keepass but 
its still subject to a failure of my net as the data is local to my net.  
Thats not encouraging in the long view.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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