On 18.02.19 16:52, Gene Heskett wrote:
> unforch, John, you did not surround this link with a pair of<> which 
> would have preserved its validity even if it had been 2k chars long, but 
> alibaba, rather than leaving half of it displayed so we can manually 
> copy/paste the rest of it, has to be cute and replace it all with their 
> custom 404 message. And even after I fixed it, it still goes to a google 
> listing. And none of them goto that particular machine.

On 18.02.19 14:39, John Dammeyer wrote:
> I still had to edit the text into one line 
> However if you google this: " ? alibaba Low-cost-New-Product-3Axis-> 4Axis "
> it will bring up the link.

The original two-chunk URL works fine for me on iceweasel (so firefox
too), just by highlighting the two lines and pasting anywhere in the
browser window. To do that, just:

Put about:config in the URL box, scroll to  middlemouse.contentLoadURL, and
click to toggle it to true. Now a URL highlighted in an xterm can be pasted
to firefox (and opened) with one middlemouse click - even if it has a
spurious space/line-break in it.

That's miniscule effort for endless ease henceforth. It's the very best
tweak my browser has had, saving a pile of sweat over the years. (Picked
it up from John L. Fjellstad - can't remember which list.)


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