On 07/18/2020 06:08 PM, Bari wrote:
On 7/18/20 5:56 PM, Jon Elson wrote:

It would be hard to do anything like this with a Delta scheme, as the errors stack up.

Why I asked.

Well, the Quad IV C has a gantry with 1 um glass scales on it, apparently. The Quad QSA-30 has shaft encoders with high resolution, I don't know what the resolution is, but I'm guessing it works out to better than 25 um, for sure. And, there is no angle to linear conversion required. These machines have very limited Z movement, but a LOT of X-Y movement, somewhere around a meter or more, to reach all the feeders. Also, the machine moves a head that must weigh 20 kg, at least, at several m/s, back and forth, from feeders to the board being stuffed. It has to provide placement accuracy of better than 0.1mm over this entire range of motion.

I just don't see how a delta machine could do this, without it being incredibly large. I just can't imagine a delta machine that can cover a 1 x 1 meter area, and do it rapidly with a heavy head and great precision.


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