Have you disabled the CD in the bios if that is possible?

On Sun, Sep 6, 2020, 12:35 AM Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com>

> Hello!
> I downloaded ISO image with 2.7.14 version and I cannot make it to
> work. I get errors when I try to run installer and I also get an error
> when I try to run live version from USB stick.
> Error for install:
> https://www.picpasteplus.com/v.php?i=4056a632c1
> Error for live run:
> https://www.picpasteplus.com/v.php?i=aac23fa489
> I have never seen anything like that. What am I missing?
> I also tried an ISO file that Andy had shared a link - it was named
> 2.8test5.iso
> It does run live session, but I get stuck, when I try to install it -
> it wants to load CD-ROM drivers, but there is no cd-rom in the machine
> and that is where I get stuck - installer shows a menu and the only
> option that works for me is the last one - abort installation.
> I also tried debian-live-7.8.0-amd64-xfce-desktop.iso from official
> Debian homepage hoping that I could add LinuxCNC repositories and
> install it that way. I also get stuck on CD-ROM in this one.
> I will appreciate any hints on how to get it working :)
> Viesturs
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