Dave - YourEmail was rec'd on the mailing list.

I thought something was messed up w/ my account on the mailing list, but
what seems to happen to me is that I don't receive my own replies to a post
on the email list.  So, then I don't think the email is rec'd and posted.
But, I did a test a while back and Andy graciously replied as well w/ a few


On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 9:30 AM dave engvall <dengv...@charter.net> wrote:

> I just checked the forum and it is alive and well. Something is screwed
> up with the list.
> Dave
> On 9/24/20 11:05 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
> > For me the list has been quiet but checking  the forum web page there
> have been messages up to 23SEP2020.  Not sure why I'm suddenly not
> receiving messages so I thought I'd try and post what I've been up to.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> > I needed a matrix to guide a razor blade to cut Silpad into 0.375" x
> 0.55" pieces.  But how to repeatedly measure 0.55"?
> >
> > Machine something of course.  Here's the end product in plywood.  Did
> use metal engraving bit and metal mill.
> > http://www.autoartisans.com/mill/SilPad/SilPadMatrix.jpg
> >
> > Start with an AlibreDrawing with lines for engraving.
> > http://www.autoartisans.com/mill/SilPad/SilPadMatrixDrawing.jpg
> >
> > Then create the G-Code and get LinuxCNC, this time running on a
> Raspberry Pi4, to control the mill.
> > http://www.autoartisans.com/mill/SilPad/SilPadMatrixLinuxCNC.jpg
> >
> > And away we go.
> > http://www.autoartisans.com/mill/SilPad/SilPadMatrixEngraving.jpg
> >
> > The end result with a coat of shellac looks good but the lines are hard
> to see.
> > http://www.autoartisans.com/mill/SilPad/SilPadMatrixShellaced.jpg
> >
> > So after a few more coats of shellac and some sanding I sprayed a blue
> coat.  Then after it had a short while to dry a bit I used a paper towel
> with laquer thinner to wipe off the blue coating but leave the paint in the
> lines.
> >
> > Next step. Cut the silpad into the rectangles and that worked really
> well.
> > cid:image003.jpg@01D69135.80AB1C00
> >
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
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