On Thursday 11 February 2021 10:40:12 Jon Elson wrote:

> On 02/10/2021 10:37 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I went to take the bs-1 off its table, and found I can't
> > take it very far as I have negleted to build a 2nd set of
> > inline connectors so I can disconnect the encoder and
> > really take it away. And I've yet to come up with a scheme
> > to detect that it is plugged in, and if not, disable
> > linuxcnc's ability to see an error because its not there.
> > 2 of my machines need such a bit of ini and hal magic.
> Well, if you have encoder feedback, you'd want to ground the
> A and B lines so the encoder counter never detects movement
> from electrical noise.

Only the GO704 will need that, but wouldn't switching off the feedback 
into the pid do the same thing?

checking in the 6040's hal:

net b-prsnt <= hm2_5i25.0.7i76.0.0.input-09 # high is it plugged in?

but no further use of it now. Could run the sel line of the two mux2's.
addf them just above the the pid_a in the GO704, and interrupt the feed 
back from the stepgen and joint stuff do the same thing?
Hmm, no pid's in the 6040, so disable these paths in the 6040's hal:

Switch this with a mux2 at the =>
net bpos-cmd joint.3.motor-pos-cmd => hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.03.position-cmd

net bpos-fb  hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.03.position-fb => joint.3.motor-pos-fb

And output the b_prsnt to the A axis stepgeg.enable with a 3rd mux2 at 
the => point.
net benable  joint.3.amp-enable-out => hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.03.enable

And rewire the driver box for individual enables and add those 4 wires as 
they are presently open and on by default. I need to get in there and 
turn that motors current down, it gets burnya hot just sitting there 
doing nothing 99.9% of the time. It was originally built to run a 
270oz/in motor on a 4" rotary, and the motor now on it is smaller. I've 
not actually used it since making the tap hats. I need to modify that A 
axis anyway, to a smaller tooth belt as its capable of about 3 rps ATM, 
one is sufficient and that would multiply its holding power I found some 
more parametric pulleys on thingiverse so I think I can make gt2's on my 
modified ender-3. I already made a usable 20 tooth gt2 and theres room 
for an even bigger pulley on the axel shaft. I'll make that as a rim for 
an alu hub though. And I've sourced some ball bearing idlers for belt 
tensioners and increased wrap on the small 20 toother.

> And, you'd want to set those axes so 
> they had to be homed individually, not as part of a
> multi-axis homing sequence.  Other than that, I don't see
> why LinuxCNC needs to know the axis is there or not.  Of
> course, with open-loop, all move commands will have no
> effect, and with feedback, would cause a following error.
That sounds like a job for a couple of mux2's in the hal file, with 
their .sel lines tied to the contact loop coming back, 2 to ground the 
missing pid_a.feedback, and ground the pid_a.command input. In the 
GO704's hal.

Anything else?

> Jon
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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