On 7/12/21 4:27 PM, Dave Cole wrote:
The argument that no professional organizations or people will be attracted to a project without a COC is nonsense.

LinuxCNC has succeeded brilliantly all of these years without a Code of Conduct, and I saw nothing that necessitated a CoC.  It seems to have been externally mandated without cause.

On 7/12/21 5:12 PM, Les Newell wrote:
...the list admins have had the power to ban users for a very long time. You agreed to that when you signed up.  They have of course used their fascist dictator powers to... maybe ban a few spammers.

The Terms of Service were apparently sufficient to regulate behavior, or more likely, were not needed because everyone acted as an adult and moderated their own behavior.  Why add an unneeded Code of Conduct to the sufficient or unneeded Terms of Service?  Nobody was being banned because everyone played nice... for decades.  But that's not good enough.  Now we have an externally mandated Code of Conduct to further regulate self regulated civil behavior.

The Code of Conduct is worse than a solution in search of a problem.  It's now proven to be a divisive political tool that is a solution to a problem of its own creation.  I've been a member of the LinuxCNC community for over 15 years and have never seen such acrimony - vicious bickering, people leaving the community, others pulling their contributions...  and it all started as a result of the new Code of Conduct.  Given the strife it has caused, the only way to justify the Code of Conduct would be as a tool to divide the community along previously irrelevant and unseen political lines, turn us against each other, and drive away anyone with a differing political opinion.

I hate to see the divisive toxic politics that have recently infested the world now destroying the LinuxCNC community.  Are we going to see a fork of LinuxCNC into a red team version and blue team version?  Ugh.  Why am I now being forced to endorse or oppose someone's political views?  I'm only here for the CNC.

I previously suggested that an appropriate Code of Conduct would be, "Y'all be cool."  If that's not enough for the LinuxCNC community, then perhaps it could be amended to include, "Politics are divisive and counterproductive to a technical open source community, so keep your politics to yourself."

I realize this isn't a democracy, but if it were, I'd cast my vote for deleting this deadly Code of Conduct before it completely tears this community apart.  It's caused nothing but trouble.  I miss the peaceful days before the Code of Conduct, when we all got along because we were focused on the technical issues we had in common rather than being forced to focus on the politics that divide us.

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