> From: Bari [mailto:bari00...@gmail.com]
> On 1/22/23 15:25, John Dammeyer wrote:
> > Why would anyone care about the latest Linux version?    The fundamental 
> > operation of LinuxCNC is read a
> G-Code file and send out the information for motion.  Read back feedback from 
> motion.  Display path on
> screen.
> >
> > Why in the world would Bullseye be important or even needed?
> Compatibility between LCNC version and the applications called on in a
> version of Debian. An example might be the version of Python required
> for a LCNC GUI.
I'm not so sure about that.  The scenario I see is I installed LCNC on my Pi4.  
Whatever distribution was available. Now for me it's still a lab  bench play 
thing but in addition to LCNC I also installed Lazarus and it came with Python 

Now.  Say it was connected to real hardware.  At what point do I need to redo 
the LCNC user interface GUI if I'm just using it the same way as I did 2 years 

I mention all this only because a number of years ago I installed OctoPi on a 
Pi2 for my 3D printer.  Like a fool at one point, although absolutely nothing 
was wrong, I clicked on update.  

System crashed big time.  Lost all my configuration information.  Had to in 
essence start over.  My complaint to the author of OctoPi was met with the 
usual surly Linux user attitude.  That it was my fault.  I should keep my OS up 
to date.

My response was twofold.  First my answer is the installation should check to 
see if the OS it's running on is either new enough or if this installation has 
been tested on this OS.  If not.  Pop up a message that the OS needs upgrading 

My second response was to remove the funding I was sending monthly.  That was 4 
years ago.  The 3D printer still works.  OctoPi still works.  G-Code is still 
turned into plastic.

To sum up, when OS/Program vendors/suppliers upgrade they rarely if ever have 
to pay costs the end users absorb for this new and wonderful change to "enhance 
their user experience".

So quite frankly I don't care if Bullseye never makes it to the Pi4.  Way too 
expensive use of my time to go through an upgrade process.


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