On 4/10/24 08:46, Todd Zuercher via Emc-users wrote:
Are you sure that the machine uses an encoder for the turret positioning?  The 
fact that it will work at some tool positions seems to sound more like it has a 
series of switches, and that one of them isn't working.  The switches might be 
arrayed kind of like a Gray code encoder to give a form of absolute position 
for each pocket.  Loosing one signal could cause several of the pockets to not 
be seen and cause an endless hunt.

Yup, this is exactly how Hardinge CHNC lathes work.  There's a magnet that rotates over 8 radially-arranged reed switches that are encoded by a simple diode matrix to produce a 3-bit tool code and another signal indicating it is close enough to fire the index pin.


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