On 4/30/24 12:29, John Dammeyer wrote:
Apparently available in June it looks like this version of the Beagle may
well be a good successor to the original Beagle and MachineKit.


Except it would still require an add on card still called a cape perhaps?
And then would that cape be any cheaper than one of the Ethernet or SPI
based products from MESA?  Is the projected $70 US cost any lower than a
brand new PC clone that already runs LinuxCNC?

IDK about the beaglebone, it always seemed like something of a different design that took a heck of a lot of work AND interface hardware to do something similar to linuxcnc.

What I am having good luck with running all the fancy stuff for 3d printers on them is the currently $65 bananapi-m5. All 4 usb ports are usb3 so speeds are not a problem. I am just now bringing up an old Ender 5 Plus that died a couple years ago, able to run at 30mm/second max because it comes with a puny Y motor, but now has 2 more bigger higher voltage power supply's, the X&Y motors are now stepper/servo's, I belted the z motors together and unplugged one so bed tilt is locked, lots of heavy flying weight is now CF tubing, much lighter to throw around, and its loafing at 200mm/sec speeds. What it formerly took 3 days to make is now done in 17 hours. That bpi-m5 is talking to the $52 control card that runs the printer with a single usb-C cable.

I have not tried linuxcnc on one of them but it runs fine on an rpi4b with 2 gigs of ram, running my 11x54 Sheldon lathe. Install the build-essential & the latest python 3, hook it to a breakout board fed by a usb-3 cable, and build lcnc from master's src. It ought to just work. Might have to build a rt kernel, but my 3d printers don't seem to mind the current jammy offering.
It ID's itself as:

Linux bpi51e5p 6.6.16-current-meson64 #1 SMP PREEMPT.

Arm64 stuff is encroaching on our territory, its power miserly AND stable as the Rock of Gibralter. Uptimes are from power outage to power outage.

Just curious if this is finally the step into the single small box with
LinuxCNC or MachineKit Turnkey CNC system for the older MACH or other users.
Or has the market now matured enough with other solutions like the Centroid


and it's pointless to even bother with LinuxCNC?


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