On Fri, 25 May 2018 17:55:56 -0400
Yoni Rabkin <y...@rabkins.net> wrote:

> I also think the code needs to move to the emms-player-... namespace.

Yeah, I was kinda afraid of that.

Not hard to change, but that'd make all the names so horribly long,
hurting readability, unless there some way to filter all that noise out
(and fit more than one such name on a line).

Is there no other convention to maybe use much shorter reasonably-unique
prefix instead of much longer one?

> Using the file method it doesn't detect the player ending and
> therefore doesn't move on to the next track. This had worked before,
> so I'm unsure of what changed.

Will look into that.

Didn't think any of late changes should've affected 'file, so only ran
basic play-stop-next routine, which guess was a mistake, and should
probably be automated anyway.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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