----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Just a brief addition to this very interesting thread, for which I thank 
everyone. It is important to acknowledge the continuous stream of toxic 
actions, thinking and postulations from the current inhabitants of the American 
White House. The effects and implications of deregulation alone, the economic 
impacts on every aspect of social and environmental support systems is causing 
endless recycling of PTSD for many of us, even as we watch incalculable 
destruction advancing across the Earth. It contaminates and re-contaminates 
everything. It is the elephant in every room now, and frames all discourse.

“What the world needs is a good housekeeper.”
Aviva Rahmani, PhD
Affiliate INSTAAR, University of CO. at Boulder
Watch “Blued Trees”:  https://vimeo.com/135290635

From: <empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au> on behalf of Renate Terese 
Ferro <rfe...@cornell.edu>
Reply-To: soft_skinned_space <empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 9:43 PM
To: soft_skinned_space <empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
Subject: [-empyre-] keeping Contamination open through Sunday.

----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hello all,
I am keeping the topic of Contamination open one more day through Sunday 
evening in hopes that our guests may feel compelled to add one more comment.

Thanks to Amy for picking up on so many threads and to Ian for the 
contamination manifesto.  Pop up ads contaminate the interfaces of the web 
similar to the way Ian’s banners of critical phrases do.  My favorites are…. 
Inhabit the polluted, escape enclosure, attack the antiseptic….

Thank you Melinda for writing about the Indigenous spaces of the Australian 
desert reminding us how location, eco-homeostasis, and culture become 
interwoven with issues of contamination, seepage, enclosure, and disclosure.  
The Thunder Raining mages and the Kulata Tjuta images you linked were moving 
and incredibly rich.

And to Ricardo your posts on effluvia prompted me to successfully find Mauss’ 
In A General Theory of Magic in the Cornell Library. Thanks to your poetic 

And to Ben the medicinal and cleansing properties of mushrooms were an 
interesting addition to our discussion on Contamination.  I agree with Murat I 
would love to know more!

This is a busy time of year for most of us as the semesters are ending but I 
will remind you all that the idea for this month’s topic was inspired by a 
large symposium at Columbia and e-flux in New York City on Toxic Assets.  I 
thought our month was a rich array of brainstormed synapses and I think all of 
you this month for joining in.

We will be taking the month of December off but we will be back on or around 
January 7th.  Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and brilliant New Year.
Renate Ferro

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

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