----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Another artwork that explores touch.

Johann Arens
Moulding Exclusivities

Video link: https://vimeo.com/223404129
Password: Empyre

Johann Arens (b. 1981, Aachen, Germany) uses installation and video to survey 
the documentary properties of public interiors and their inherent social 
textures. By deliberately placing artworks atypically he redirects attention to 
places in the peripheral vision. His sculptures are found embedded in 
standardised work environments, educational frameworks, community centres, 
neighbourhood businesses and digital inclusion charities. These site-related 
interventions are enquiries into the multiple ways novel technologies device 
our communal life and shape civil behaviour.

Recent exhibitions have included ‘Ecologies’ Bold Tendencies , London, UK 
(2018); ‘Findings on Palpation’ P/////AKT, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2018); 
‘digital_self’, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland (2017); ‘These 
Rotten Words’, Chapter Art Centre, Cardiff, Wales (2017) ‘Preis für Junge 
Kunst’ NAK, Aachen, Germany (2016) ‘You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet’, 
Beursschrouwburg, Brussels, Belgium (2016). Public commissions have included 
Motion Tracks, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, UK (2016); Platform 2016, Deptford X, 
London, UK (2016); and 100 Arches, Arnolfini and Art and the Public Realm 
Bristol, UK (2014). Johann recently completed residencies at SPACE, London 
(2017), Asia Culture Centre, Gwangju, South Korea (2016) and at the 
Rijksakademie, Amsterdam (2014/15).

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