----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear Daniel

thanks for this month's listing of art works... it does provide an interesting format of reviewing artworks online.

i cannot help to come in and ask some simple questions...

what is your criteria in the artists you selected for viewing their works? in your curation of these series of works, what would be your curatorial summing up after a month of reflections (in quite a coherent style of posting remarks) posted by accidental reviewers?

thanks much


On 30/07/18 04:34, Daniel Lichtman wrote:
----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

Hi Sergio,

I just wrote Ian Giles to ask if the title of his work comes from Heidegger's conference about language and he confirmed that yes, it does.

In the spirit of this month's format, would you like to respond about what relation you see, or don't see, between the work and Heidegger?

Best wishes,

On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 7:16 PM Sergio Basbaum <sbasb...@gmail.com <mailto:sbasb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
    Sorry, this message should be adressed to Daniel,

    Does Gilles "On the way to language" bring any relation to
    Heidegger's work?


        Livre de vírus. www.avast.com

    On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 2:04 PM, Sergio Basbaum
    <sbasb...@gmail.com <mailto:sbasb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        dear Ian,

        Thank you for your link.

        Is this title a reference to Heidegger's conference about

        best from Brazil

        On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 1:23 PM, Daniel Lichtman
        <daniel...@gmail.com <mailto:daniel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
            Ian Giles

            On The Way To Language

            Video Link:


            Ian Giles (b. 1985, UK) completed his MFA in 2012 at the
            Slade School of Fine Art. He was a LUX Associate Artist
            2012/13. Recent exhibitions and screenings include: Video
            Club: Sex Talks, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2018);
            ‘After BUTT’, Chelsea Space, London (2018); ‘Multiplexing
            II’, Cineworld Cinema, Glasgow with LUX Scotland (2017);
            ‘AsToAsIsTo’ a collaboration with the Youth Forum,
            Whitechapel Gallery, London (2016); ‘Connected Works’,
            Harvard University, Cambridge USA (2016); ‘m-Health’, Cell
            Project Space, London (2015); ‘Videoclub’: Selected IV UK
            national tour including Nottingham Contemporary (2014);
            ’21st Century Screening’, Chisenhale Gallery, London
            (2012) and Whitstable Biennale (2010). He was a resident
            at Hospitalfield, Scotland in 2017 and awarded a
            Production Bursary by Spike Island and The Centre For
            Moving Image Research 2016.

            empyre forum

-- -- Prof. Dr. Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum
        -- Pós-Graduação Tec.da Inteligência e Design Digital - TIDD

        -- http://soundcloud.com/sergiobasbaum
        -- http://soundcloud.com/pantharei
        -- [:a.cinema:] <http://acinemaperformance.blogspot.com.br/>
        ...sai dessa fila, vem pra roda festejar..
        -- a.cinema <http://acinemaperformance.blogspot.com>
        -- pantharei_tube

        "Do mesmo modo como a percepção da coisa me abre ao ser,
        realizando a síntese paradoxal de uma infinidade de aspectos
        perspectivos, a percepção do outro funda a moralidade (...)"
        Maurice Merleau-Ponty

-- -- Prof. Dr. Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum
    -- Pós-Graduação Tec.da Inteligência e Design Digital - TIDD (PUC-SP)

    -- http://soundcloud.com/sergiobasbaum
    -- http://soundcloud.com/pantharei <https://soundcloud.com/pantharei>
    -- [:a.cinema:] <http://acinemaperformance.blogspot.com.br/>
    ...sai dessa fila, vem pra roda festejar..
    -- a.cinema <http://acinemaperformance.blogspot.com>
    -- pantharei_tube

    "Do mesmo modo como a percepção da coisa me abre ao ser,
    realizando a síntese paradoxal de uma infinidade de aspectos
    perspectivos, a percepção do outro funda a moralidade (...)"
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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