I ended up not implementing the arena allocation used in the emscripten
optimizer (it probably wouldn't be terribly tricky to add, there are notes
in cashew.rs) because profiling never identified it as being a big deal.
You can verify this just by looking at the primitive timing of the
different phases of registerizeHarder and eliminate - overall, the vast
majority of time is spent in phases that just analyse the AST. AST node
replacement happens where possible, e.g. `*x = Num(0f64)`, but it's likely
mostly that jemalloc (the default allocator in rust, which may be
considered cheating) is probably pretty quick. I could make wild guesses at
other causes (perhaps jemalloc is good at deallocating and reallocating
32-byte types and does something clever internally), but it was never high
enough on the profiler to get my attention. That's not to say there aren't
savings to be made, but I could spend time better elsewhere even with the
current speed.

On 6 November 2016 at 19:50, Alon Zakai <alonza...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Very interesting, thanks!
> In particular about Rust helping avoid leaking, that's something I hadn't
> thought of, very nice. However, the reason the C++ optimizer leaks is,
> aside from complexity as you mentioned, also for another reason: to avoid
> memory allocation overhead, so that allocation is always bumping a pointer,
> and freeing is just ignoring it. If you're not leaking, then I guess you
> have lists of freed objects for reuse, or such? I wonder if it's possible
> to measure that overhead. (For comparison, in the binaryen optimizer I've
> focused on reusing nodes; there is still leaking when that isn't possible,
> but it's relatively rare.)
> Memory-wise, yeah, keeping the 1-1 mapping to the Uglify AST definitely
> hurt the C++ optimizer's memory usage. The binaryen optimizer does
> something similar to what you said, with properly strongly-typed nodes. So
> e.g. -4096 would be a Const node, currently taking 20 bytes (it could be
> 16, though).
> On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 11:25 AM, Aidan Hobson Sayers <aida...@cantab.net>
> wrote:
>> The memory improvements are basically down to the AST being more strongly
>> typed in Ayzim - structurally it's the same (there's a simple 1-1 mapping
>> between representations). For example, the uglifyjs AST representation of `
>> -4096` is `["unary-prefix", "-", ["num", 4096]]. This was translated
>> faithfully to the C++ optimizer, so the arrays are `Value
>> <https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/1.36.14/tools/optimizer/simple_ast.h#L80>`s,
>> which are dynamically typed by being a tagged union. The memory cost of a
>> single `Value` is 16 bytes (`double` is the largest type in the union,
>> and you pay that again to be able to hold the tag in the struct and pad
>> it)...and then there's another 3*ptrsize bytes to store the vector type
>> somewhere if the `Value` is an array (typically to point to a child
>> node...so just add this for every node since they're all children!). You
>> then multiply the size of `Value` by the number of items in the array,
>> which is two at minimum (ish). Overall, for an AST node you're paying 
>> `3*ptrlen
>> + 32 + (16*N_additional_array_items)`.
>> However, you know that  `X` in `["num", X]` is a double, and that each
>> AST node has a limited set of possible tags, so you can treats whole AST
>> nodes as tagged unions, rather than the individual AST node fields. In
>> Ayzim you end up paying `ptrlen + 32` for any single ast node (ish).
>> On top of this, the Emscripten optimizer leaks memory
>> <https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/1.36.14/tools/optimizer/optimizer.cpp#L467>
>>  when
>> replacing nodes (and elsewhere), probably because it's actually pretty
>> tricky to keep track of what you're replacing, whether you've got another
>> pointer to it hanging around somewhere and whether it's safe to deallocate.
>> Leveraging the Rust ownership system made it quite tricky to translate
>> parts of the C++ code, but the result is no memory leaks.
>> Speedups were probably mostly from a) better overall optimization of the
>> AST node tagged enum, b) less compact memory, c) using a string interning
>> library with some interning at compile time (thanks to the Servo project)
>> so some value comparisons could be inlined rather than going via pointer
>> lookup, and d) a carefully chosen piece of low hanging fruit in
>> registerizeHarder.
>> The language helped in that I felt it gave me niceties to help me succeed
>> (e.g. 'first class' tagged unions, exhaustiveness checking on matching
>> tagged unions), it has a good library experience and the whole memory
>> safety thing is nice. Downsides were the compile times, difficulties of
>> translating highly unsafe C++ code and a number of language papercuts
>> (lexical lifetimes in particular). Someone with full understanding of the
>> optimizer and C++ would have been very able to do all the
>> macro-optimizations in C++ so Rust isn't more powerful, but as a fallible
>> human it helped me a lot and I felt much less like I was juggling chainsaws
>> than when I've made my previous changes to the C++ optimizer :) For
>> example, I'd feel pretty optimistic about my ability to add the duplicate
>> function eliminator to it.
>> I should have made my testing process clearer - during development I was
>> diffing output of optimizing the sqlite and unity asm.js full library
>> files. The only remaining differences I'm aware of are a) better float
>> representation from ayzim and b) the three test cases here
>> <https://github.com/aidanhs/ayzim/tree/0.1.2/testcases> (all three very
>> minor - one ayzim is better at, one emscripten is better at, one ayzim gets
>> very slightly wrong with float representation). If you spy other
>> differences, let me know.
>> On 5 November 2016 at 19:38, Alon Zakai <alonza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Very cool!
>>> For those interested to check this out, you can just replace the
>>> existing optimizer executable, and if you want to go back, just deleting
>>> the replacement will make emcc rebuild the original one.
>>> Regarding those improvements to speed and memory use, I'm curious where
>>> they come from - what were the changes you made? Small things, or large
>>> structural changes to the AST? For comparison, the binaryen optimizer also
>>> has some major improvements to speed and memory compared to the emscripten
>>> asm.js one, and that's mostly from the redesigned AST - I'm curious if we
>>> ended up doing similar things to improve on the old optimizer. Also, do you
>>> think your choice of language had an effect here?
>>> Have you verified this generates the same output as the asm.js one, btw?
>>> You mention it passes the test suite, but I'm also curious if it's
>>> literally generating the same code as well.
>>> On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Aidan Hobson Sayers <aida...@cantab.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Using Ayzim as a drop-in replacement for the Emscripten asm.js native
>>>> optimizer when compiling an asm.js project of moderate or large size on
>>>> `-O2` or `-O3` should result in a ~50-75% reduction in memory usage and a
>>>> ~25-50% speedup when running asm.js native optimizer passes (i.e. most of
>>>> the "js opts" stage as seen in in EMCC_DEBUG output).
>>>> To get it, download the compiled releases for Linux and Windows from the
>>>> ayzim releases page <https://github.com/aidanhs/ayzim/releases>,
>>>> extract them and replace (after backing up!) the existing optimizer(.exe)
>>>> binary in `emsdk/emscripten/incoming_optimizer_64bit/` (if you're not
>>>> on `incoming` but still feel brave, take a look at your emscripten config
>>>> file, usually at `$HOME/.emscripten`, which should point you to the right
>>>> place).
>>>> --
>>>> Some background: when I was trying to port a large application to
>>>> asm.js about 6 months ago I had serious problems with the Emscripten asm.js
>>>> optimizer - it would split the 750MB .js file into chunks and promptly
>>>> consume all 8GB of my RAM by trying to optimize the chunks in parallel,
>>>> swapping everything else out of memory and grinding the machine to a halt.
>>>> I tackled this problem by taking a brief(!) diversion to rewrite the
>>>> optimizer in Rust to be more memory efficient. Along the way I added a few
>>>> speedups.
>>>> Ayzim is probably an entry in the "well this might have been useful two
>>>> years ago" section of software (since asm.js is 'shortly' going to be made
>>>> redundant by wasm) but someone may find a use for it. For example, people
>>>> wanting to understand the structure of the Emscripten optimizer ast may
>>>> want to look at this code
>>>> <https://github.com/aidanhs/ayzim/blob/0.1.2/src/cashew.rs#L141>
>>>> and/or ask me since I'm very familiar with it now :)
>>>> In time I may extend Ayzim to support wasm optimizations and move it to
>>>> being more of a library, but that's for the future.
>>>> Aidan
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