Also, specifying --llvm-opts "['-O3', '-internalize']" doesn't seem to do 
anything, and using --llvm-opts "['-O3', '-strip']" causes the `asm2wasm` 
step to then fail with:

`Fatal: duplicate function: $_`

On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 3:49:41 PM UTC+1, Lorenzo Wölckner wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am a bit lost at the moment regarding the correct way to really fully 
> strip all symbol information for the final resulting .js plus .wasm library.
> In my C++ project I set all the needed flags in cmake for the first 
> "compilation from C++ to LLVM bitcode" step, including -O3 
> -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -DNDEBUG, I also try to 
> strip symbols on linking.
> In the second "compilation from bitcode to WASM" step I also set all the 
> related flags that I could find like -O3 --llvm-lto 3 --llvm-opts "['-O3']".
> In the resulting .js file however I noticed that there are 
> many __GLOBAL__sub_I_ExampleClassNameHere_cpp variables (which are then 
> used inside __ATINIT__ for global initialization).
> This exposes all the names of my library's classes.
> Trying to use the EVAL_CTORS=1 flags doesn't work as it cannot eval some 
> of the functions:
> DEBUG:root:trying to eval __GLOBAL__I_000101
>   ...stopping since could not eval: call import: env.invoke_i
> Is there some flag or setting I forgot in either of the compilation steps 
> to be able to correctly strip/hide symbols for these remaining global 
> initializers and not expose the internals of my original C++ library?
> It's ok for all of these to be called but I would like to have 
> masked/obfuscated/minified names for them...
> Thanks in advance for the help.

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